With 30+ years of experience, Neon Jungle of San Diego offers a great selection of quality business signs and custom signs that you’re searching for. As a full service sign company in San Diego, CA, we understand the importance of making your business stand out. Bonded and insured, you can rest assured knowing that our sign shop means business. Our list of reputable clients have established trust in our commercial sign company because we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk.
Call (619) 253-7179 today to schedule a consultation.
Established Sign Shop 1985.
neonjungleSD.com, inc. is Licensed by the State of California, Bonded and Insured.
Certificate of Insurance and Workers Compensation are available upon request.
CL # 791252- C45
neonjungleSD.com, inc.
8976070 – B
David Vich
DIR License Number: PW-LR-1000589523
neonjungleSD.com, inc.